Prince Edward Island Occupations in-Demand 2023

Prince edward island occupations in demand

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) was created to help fill the job vacancies in the province. These pathways are designed for businessmen, skilled workers, and young graduates.

Critical Workers Stream:

To qualify for the Critical Workers Stream, you need to have a job offer in Canada for a position that is in high demand in Prince Edward Island. You must also have worked for at least six months for the employer who has offered you the job.

Critical Workers Stream
Examples of Skill Level C Occupation
NOC CodeEligible Occupations
9462Industrial Butchers
7511Long Haul Truck Drivers
6513Food & Beverage Servers
7154Delivery Workers
3413Licensed Nursing Assistants
8431General Farm Workers


Critical Workers Stream
Examples of Skill Level C Occupation
NOC CodeEligible Occupations
9462Industrial Butchers
7511Long Haul Truck Drivers
6513Food & Beverage Servers
7154Delivery Workers
3413Licensed Nursing Assistants
8431General Farm Workers
Examples of Skill Level D Occupations
NOC CodeEligible Occupations
8611Fruit Pickers
6731Cleaning Staff

Express Entry Stream:

The PEI PNP has a special stream called Express Entry for skilled and professional applicants who want to apply for permanent residency in Canada, even if they don’t have any Canadian work experience.

Express Entry
NOC CodeEligible Occupations
2146Aerospace Engineers
2211Chemical Technicians
2232Aerospace Inspectors
3111Specialist Physician
3112General practitioners and family physicians
3012Registered Nurses
3141Speech-Language Pathologist
4011University Professors
4152Social Workers
7252Pipe Fitters


Atlantic Immigration Plilot:

The AIP is beneficial because it includes skilled and semi-skilled jobs that are categorized under skill levels 0, A, B, and C.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot
Examples of Skill Level C Occupations
NOC CodeEligible Occupations
3413Licensed Nursing Assistants
4412Home support workers
6411Sales executives
6513Food & Beverage Servers
6541Security guards
6552Contact center agent
7511Long Haul Truck Drivers
7154Delivery Workers
7452Material handlers
8431General Farm Workers
9462Industrial Butchers
9463Fish and seafood plant workers


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